For DFP/GAM implementation, distribute these tags: (Please remember to leave the "Serve into SafeFrame" unchecked)
For Simpli.fi/programmatic implementation, distribute these tags: (Please remember to leave the "Serve into SafeFrame" unchecked)
For Vision Implementation (Standard codes): NOTE: If you have problems with the Tags please use the "Vision Tags (Double-Encoded Version)" *Below tags can only be used for Targeted Display through Vision. Please book any O&O impressions directly into GAM via your billing system with the above GAM/DFP tags. (Please remember to leave the "Serve into SafeFrame" unchecked)
For Vision Implementation (Double-Encoded Version): *Use these if you have Issues with Standard Vision Implementation Codes
For The Trade Desk implementation, distribute these tags: (Please remember to leave the "Serve into SafeFrame" unchecked) Note: %%TTD_CLK%% macro is also available.. Or the iurl=%%VIEW_URL_UNESC%%
For StackAdapt implementation, distribute these tags:
For GroundTruth implementation, distribute these tags:
For Basis implementation, distribute these tags:
For IFRAME implementation, distribute these tags: